If you deal with an international clientele, you understand that when you are sound asleep there is a client drafting a merger or acquisitions. Across the globe, clients will build their confidence in you if they know you will be there to answer their questions and help them when the need arises. However, hiring a receptionist to handle your calls 24/7 is impractical. This is where we come in. At Answer California, we make sure we boost your reputation and increase your clientele by being there when your clients need you. Hiring us for your corporate law needs is the best investment you can ever make.
Personable staffs
Working with the professionals does not solely translate to professional services but to staffs you and your clients can associate with. Our staffs are polite, discreet, professionals and focused on legal documents. Answer California serves all sizes of law firms. It does not matter whether the San Diego corporate law firm is run by an individual or groups; we are fully equipped to their needs. Our staffs are highly trained, motivated and closely monitored for quality control. When working with us, you never have to worry about absenteeism or unmanageable workload.
Brilliant call support
It is obvious that a business can lose clients simply because its systems have been down for a few hours. Clients want to be in touch with you round the clock. When it comes to San Diego corporate law, we never leave any stone unturned. In addition to offering a wide range of call handling services, we have backup equipment to ensure we never go offline. If there is a problem with our primary call handling equipment, our staffs will turn to the secondary equipment as our onsite support team works on the problem. Our staffs work in shifts to ensure you never have to worry about working with fatigued individuals.
Easy setup
Setting up your account is easy. To get our services as a corporate law San Diego, the first thing you will have to do is discuss your needs with us. This will help us understand what you deem urgent call as well as how we should handle new clients. We will collect as much information about your firm in order to work as your own staffs.
Why work with us
Most clients consider us for our unswerving customer support service. Answer California offers 24/7 call answering services all year round. When you are off for the day, we will still be available to continue your work. Our services range from after-hours telephone coverage to call transfer and routing to appointment management to bilingual services and then some. You can always discuss your needs with us for a customized call handling package.
Allowing us to handle your corporate law firm’s needs will save you both time and money. You will only worry about a single monthly fee for a comprehensive call handling service. We are here to enhance your client satisfaction and help you grow. Contact us today for the most competitive deal in call handling.